Chippenham Radial Gets Project...All Anglers Have Your Say at the events mentioned below!
Please see below a cut and paste of the EAs next phase of the project including a link to the site which details the proposals which are a set of rock weirs which will reduce the water level to 1-1.5m below Town Bridge,1.5-2m in Island and Monkton Parks and 1-1.5 in the Golf course/Sailing Club area. It also mentions new/improved fishing platforms to access the new water level.
We have been able to move forward with our project to enhance the River Avon in Chippenham and will shortly be undertaking a public consultation exercise on our preferred concept, which has been developed based on feedback received since our last consultation. Our consultation period will run from 16 April - 28 May 2024 and close at 5:00pm. As a part of the consultation, we are hosting three public drop in events, which you can attend to ask any questions and share any feedback you have about the scheme. The dates and locations of these are:
Date: 19th April 2024
Time: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: Wiltshire Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1ER
Date: 22nd April 2024
Time: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: Town Hall High Street, Chippenham SN15 3ER
Date: 8th May 2024
Time: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: Town Hall High Street, Chippenham SN15 3ER
A public webinar will also be held on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 17th April 2024. Further information on how to join the webinar and details of the draft proposals can also be found on our website - (NOTE: This website will be live from Monday 15th April)
At the same time Wiltshire Council will also be consulting on a draft Masterplan that will cover this and any other future projects alongside the river and set out the design principles and specific requirements from these projects. To view the proposals visit: (NOTE: This website will be live from Tuesday 16th April)
Both these projects form part of the Chippenham One Plan which is a plan for the improvement and enhancement of Chippenham Town Centre, and are being promoted by the Chippenham Town Centre Partnership. Please do contact us if you have any queries about this consultation and we look forward to discussing this concept with you.
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Chippenham Avon Project Team

Chippenham Radial Gets Project...All Anglers Have Your Say at the events mentioned below!
Please see below a cut and paste of the EAs next phase of the project including a link to the site which details the proposals which are a set of rock weirs which will reduce the water level to 1-1.5m below Town Bridge,1.5-2m in Island and Monkton Parks and 1-1.5 in the Golf course/Sailing Club area. It also mentions new/improved fishing platforms to access the new water level.
We have been able to move forward with our project to enhance the River Avon in Chippenham and will shortly be undertaking a public consultation exercise on our preferred concept, which has been developed based on feedback received since our last consultation. Our consultation period will run from 16 April - 28 May 2024 and close at 5:00pm. As a part of the consultation, we are hosting three public drop in events, which you can attend to ask any questions and share any feedback you have about the scheme. The dates and locations of these are:
Date: 19th April 2024
Time: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: Wiltshire Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1ER
Date: 22nd April 2024
Time: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: Town Hall High Street, Chippenham SN15 3ER
Date: 8th May 2024
Time: 2:00pm-7:00pm
Venue: Town Hall High Street, Chippenham SN15 3ER
A public webinar will also be held on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 17th April 2024. Further information on how to join the webinar and details of the draft proposals can also be found on our website - (NOTE: This website will be live from Monday 15th April)
At the same time Wiltshire Council will also be consulting on a draft Masterplan that will cover this and any other future projects alongside the river and set out the design principles and specific requirements from these projects. To view the proposals visit: (NOTE: This website will be live from Tuesday 16th April)
Both these projects form part of the Chippenham One Plan which is a plan for the improvement and enhancement of Chippenham Town Centre, and are being promoted by the Chippenham Town Centre Partnership. Please do contact us if you have any queries about this consultation and we look forward to discussing this concept with you.
If you would like to unsubscribe from this mailing list, please reply to this email with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line. If you have been forwarded this email and wish to join our mailing list please also let us know by responding to this email.
Chippenham Avon Project Team

Chippenham Radial Gate Removal Project. Save your fishing rights!!
All Anglers Have Your Say on the survey on website which also details the whole proposal. This is really important as the survey responses will be a key guide in what actually happens.
The proposals are a set of rock weirs which will reduce the water level to 1-1.5m below Town Bridge,1.5-2m in Island and Monkton Parks and 1-1.5 in the Golf course/Sailing Club area in normal conditions so will be much lower in the summer so may well be unfishable. Also the width of the river could be 4 metres narrower to try to maintain some sort of flow. It does mentions new/improved fishing platforms to access the new water level.

Join the Club!
It's a great time to join Chippenham Angling Club. Miles of the river Avon and 3 good lakes plus we are fortunate to have exchange tickets for several other clubs (Devizes, Calne, Warminster, South Cerney, Marlborough and Frome).
Loads of work done through the last few months to improve our waters, both river and lakes with more working parties planned each month going forwards.Full Membership for an adult is only £50! More details below:
Adults £50
Senior Citizens £35
Disabled £22
Juniors £5
2023/4 memberships run until 15th June 2024
All memberships are available from our website or the following tackle shops:
T.K Tackle, Calne
The Tackle Company, Melksham,Wiltshire Angling, Trowbridge
Fish & Field, Chipping Sodbury,Premier Angling, Keynsham,The Tackle Den
Day tickets are also available for all our waters.

Successful working party to remove large bough in Pockeridge top lake.many thanks to the 5 who slogged in the mud and water for 4 hours to clear it

A huge thanks to the Environment Agency fisheries team who provided us with 500 juvenile barbel, all approx. 18 month old fish which they put into our Avon stretch at Kellaways on Monday. These fish were bred and reared on the Environment Agency’s National Coarse Fish Farm in Calverton, Nottinghamshire which is funded by fishing licence income.

Working Parties 15/16th Sept
Successful working parties this week at Riverside Drive and Kellaways.
3 sets of steps created at Riverside Drive and path trimmed out to make dual access to 3 swims at the upstream end of the section plus one pallet put in on Sea cadets where a platform had become marooned by riverbank erosion.
8 swims re-strimmed at Kellaways first field plus paths cut out between swims as well so you don't have to back up into the field.
Thanks to all those who did the work!
EA River level Lowering trial
I am sure many of you will have seen the the impact of the EA water level reduction in Chippenham on Monday
To say it is a disaster not just for angling but also other water based recreations including paddle boarders and canoeists is not an understatement.
The river has been lowered approximately 2 metres and at this level is unfishable right up to Westinghouse Drain and given we are in October what would the impact be in June!
The exposed mud will become overgrown with weeds/shrubs/trees so there will be no increased accessibility to the river for the general public plus the "beaches" that are now visible will not be accessible either because of the steep banks.
The lack of water and loss of fish species to deeper water elsewhere on the river will also negatively affect the whole ecosystem negatively.
If you value your river as an amenity for all please make your views known to the EA,your MP Michelle Donelan, the prospective Conservative(Nic Puntis) and LibDem(Sarah Gibson) electoral candidates as well as your local councillor

Working party
Successful, if long, 5 hour working party on Saturday on the river. 4 wooden platform tops replaced with metal using the money kindly provided by the Council with new steps created where needed on those swims. All swims from Golf Course to Riverside Drive strimmed( a couple still too reedy to fish at the moment). Always more to do next time.

Recent Working parties
Over the last week or so all swims strimmed from Golf Course to Black Bridge plus reeds cleared. Also Pockeridge top lake path strimmed and swims dragged of weed and reeds cut
Join the Club!
It's a great time to join Chippenham Angling Club. Miles of the river Avon and 3 good lakes plus we are fortunate to have exchange tickets for several other clubs (Devizes, Calne, Warminster, South Cerney, Marlborough and Frome)
.Good catches coming out of the river now. Loads of work done through the last few months to improve our waters, both river and lakes with more working parties planned each month going forwards.Full Membership for an adult is only £50! More details below:
Adults £50
Senior Citizens £35
Disabled £22
Juniors £5
2023/4 memberships run until 15th June 2024
All memberships are available from our website or the following tackle shops:
T.K Tackle, Calne
The Tackle Company, Melksham
Wiltshire Angling, Trowbridge
Fish & Field, Chipping Sodbury
Premier Angling, Keynsham
The Tackle Den
Day tickets are also available for all our waters.

A nice mixed bag from Kellaways!
First day of the season!!
A great first day of the season catch on the line of trees stretch. 40/50lb including a 9lb bream. A 10lb pike landed further along the same area. And the season ticket is only 50 quid plus you get miles more river and 3 lakes as well.

Another nice catch from near Blue Bridge

Big Perch
January 1, 2023
There are a few big Perch starting to show on the river
Open Fishing Match
Open Fishing Match
Section 3 and 4
Feb 8th ( Wednesday )
Draw 9 o'clock Riverside Drive
Tickets 15 pounds
Only Six tickets remain
Please contact Dennis Baker by text only on 07813370526

Working Party
Over the last few months there have been some improvements going on. The river and lakes have had ne steps platforms and tree cutting.
Please see gallery for more pictures
Section 5
There is no access to section 5 at Rawlings farm anymore.
You will need to park at the top end of Eastern Avenue on the road. From there you will need to use the public footpath to walk to the river.
Big Perch
There are a few big Perch starting to show on the river
Working Party 19th November
There will be a working party at Monkton Park on Saturday 19th November starting at 9am . Any member wishing to join will be very welcome.
Chippenham Radial Gate and Weir Improvements-Information from the Environment Agency

Information on Chippenham Radial Gate and Weir improvements from the Environment Agency
The Environment Agency is currently looking at some improvement work on the River Avon in Chippenham and are keen to get the thoughts of the Angling Club. The main driver for these works is due to the condition of the radial sluice gate and weir, just downstream of the town centre, which will need replacing in the short to near term. There are several options being considered, with the intention of a preferred option being identified by summer 2023. One of the options is to simply replace the existing sluice gate with a new structure which provides the same function, but this would not provide any additional environmental benefits. The gate and weir are only currently there to provide an amenity water level upstream, they do not provide a flood risk function. However, if the gate was to fail to open during high flows then there would be a substantial increase in flood risk to Chippenham. The alternative option is to remove the gate and weir and do some degree of naturalisation of the upstream channel through Monkton Park. This would involve narrowing the low flow channel, with areas alongside that are available for use during normal times, but designed to flood when required. It could also include the provision of a number of low rock weirs through this length of channel.
All of this can be done without increasing flood risk to the surrounding area, and would have a number of environmental benefits, especially in terms of allowing a greater range of fish species to migrate through this reach of river. It would also benefit the in-channel and riverside habitats, providing more varied habitats for different fish species and life stages and could provide more varied spawning habitat. It would also provide additional amenity space. It would however change the regular water levels throughout the Monkton Park area. Under normal conditions the depth of water would be significantly reduced from current, but there would also be a greater amount of aerated, faster flowing water. The water level would also vary more following heavy rainfall. The impact on normal water levels is likely to be quite limited upstream of the golf course area, with minimal impact around the Riverside Drive area.
The Environment Agency are keen to understand what the impact of a change, as described above, would have on angling activities in this reach of river both in terms of positive and negative changes. It would also be good to identify any improvements that could be made along the river to enhance this amenity use.
This project is still in its early stages and no decision on a preferred option has been made yet. We are just looking to collate people’s opinions at this stage, but would be happy to provide any further information.
​If you have any questions or feedback please feel free to contact the Environment Agency direct at
Club Committee Vacancies
Club Committee vacancies
The club is looking for volunteers to join the Committee who are keen to help in running the club and improving our waters for the members.
The committee meets once a month to discuss and implement improvement activities across the club as well as working parties on our waters.
We would welcome any volunteers for a position on the Committee who are existing members.
This is an opportunity for you to have ownership and involvement in the running of YOUR club.
If you are interested please email the Secretary at with your contact details.

Burbrook catches
A couple of pic of decent catches at Burbrook in the last week or so
A decent bag of chub!

A nice 4lb bream

Match Secretary Vacancy
The Club is looking for a Match Secretary to take over from Kev who is stepping down at the end of this season. If you are interested or would like more details of what the role involves please email the Club Secretary at or the new club email address

Working Party Sat 11th March
Successful working party Sat 11th March!
Veery large and long dead bough removed freeing up swim 2/3 downstream of Westinghouse drain. Last replacement aluminium platform installed in Sea cadet section and swim at the corner of line of trees cleared. Many thanks to all those who helped especially John, one of our members.

Open fishing match Wed 8th March
Important update on the open fishing match on Wednesday 8th March. Unfortunately Dennis has had to cancel this match due to the adverse weather forecast as the safety of those competing must be the primary consideration. Apologies to all for any inconvenience caused.